Here and there you will notice a bit more vocabulary in various sections. The list below covers the more central items so that you have them handy.


  • Adar rishon   אדר ראשון
    = First Adar 
  • Adar sheni   אדר שני
    = Second Adar 
  • Purim   פורים
    = Lots (as in the drawing of lots) 


  • Achashverosh hamelech   אחשורוש המלך
    = Ahashuerus the king
  • Esther hamalka   אסתר המלכה
    = Esther the queen
  • Hadassa   הדסה
    = Esther's 'Hebrew' name (it is actually Persian)
  • Haman   המן
    = Haman (please yell, stomp and make tons of ra-ash [noise] now)
  • Mordechai   מרדכי
    = Mordechai
  • Shushan    שושן
    = Susa (the capital city)
  • Vashti   ושתי
    = The king's first wife, Vashti

Rituals & Customs

a table with hamentashen, noisemakers and flowers
  • Adloyada   עדלאידע
    = Purim parade and carnival/street fair
  • Al hanissim   על הניסים
    = Al hanissim - prayer added to grace after meals on Purim
  • Keriat hamegillah   קריאת המגילה
    = Reading of the scroll 
  • Masecha   מסכה
    = Mask
  • Megillat Esther   מגילת אסתר
    = Scroll of Esther
  • Ozen haman  אוזן המן   /   oznei haman  אוזני המן
    = Hamantash / hamentashen (plural)
  • Purim sameach   פורים שמח
    = Happy Purim :)
  • Ra-ashan   רעשן
    = Noisemaker
    Ra-ash   רעש  means noise. 
  • Seuda   סעודה   /   seudat Purim   סעודת פורים
    = Meal, feast / Purim feast
  • Tachposet   תחפושת
    = Costume