Be sure to also look over the recipes in our other holiday packets. Many are likewise useful - especially when eating in your sukkah or for a potluck at a friend's :) .
Bete-avon בתאבון / Bon appetit!
- Marinated Artichokes & Other Veggies
- Herb-y Deviled Eggs
- Quick, Simple, Irresistible Brine/Dill/Garlic Pickles
- Unforgettable Tomato-Lemon-Sherry Vegetable Stew
- Papa Lee's Lemon Rice
- Sticky Shitake Mushrooms, Broccoli & Bamboo Shoots
- "Just-Trust-Me-On-This" Cake (Shsh… Zucchini Bread)
- Don't Throw That Peel - Make Candy!
- Etrog Marmalade
- The Simple "Dessert To The Dessert" Kid Tip
Marinated Artichokes & Other Veggies
We are confident enough to say that you may find this to be the best marinated version ever.
It will keep for a while, not that it ever lasts that long unless you hid the container really well in the fridge. We have never gotten away with making the amount below- usually it needs to be at least doubled whenever there are more than four people present.The marinade also works really well for raw veggies e.g.- string beans, mushrooms or sliced cauliflower. It's also a good dipping sauce for cooked whole artichoke, can be thinned into a salad dressing, etc. These marinated veggies work great served together with pasta or rice too.
You should marinate the artichokes for a minimum of a couple hours, but it's even better if they've had a day for the marinade to really "do its thing". Use a container that seals very well, or a glass jar. Just gently rotate the container in all directions a few times through this period to assure an even soaking. If using the raw vegetables mentioned above, definitely marinate for a whole day.
- 1 can artichoke hearts, chopped into quarters (or comparable amount of other vegetable)
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 tablespoon vinegar
- 1 clove garlic finely minced
- 1 whole bay leaf
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/4 teaspoon oregano
- 1/4 teaspoon prepared [aka 'wet'] mustard- any type will do just fine, though Dijon is nice
- 1/4 teaspoon sugar
- 1/8 teaspoon pepper
Herb-y Deviled Eggs

Very handy in a sukkah meal. If you are used to the mustard-added versions, we go in a rather different taste direction. Together with a couple salads, plus the pickles and marinated vegetables listed here, you have a great combination developing. Do note that some of our recipes in other holiday packets will serve you well here too - like Szechuan cold sesame noodles, laban balls, cucumber yogurt and tabouli :) . Our own healthy version of "fast food", these all go well together.
This recipe produces 12 deviled eggs. (The author cannot imagine getting away with such a small amount in most situations though. And leftovers are a rarity.)
- 6 hard-boiled eggs
- 1/2 teaspoon crumbled up dried rosemary
- 1/2 teaspoon dill
- 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon celery seed
- 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon or so of thyme
- 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon sage
- 1/8 teaspoon pepper
- ~3 tablespoonsof mayonnaise- the amount really varies by the taste and texture you prefer
- Up to 1/2 teaspoon salt - add this last, see below.
- 1/4 cup finely minced black olives
* very mild tasting type, such as in any American canned California version. (Ok, we've also used saltier and stronger kinds nicely too). Olives are optional but really delicious so we say "go for it". When we happen to have it around, we also like a little chopped fresh chives on top.
- Carefully peel and cut eggs in half lengthwise.
- Gently remove yolks, put them in a bowl, and mash 'em well with a fork.
- Mix in all the other stuff. Take a taste of your filler before you start adding any salt, because the necessity and amount depend on what kind of olives you used, or if you chose to use any olives at all, as well as how much mayo you used. That mayo variation is also why you have a range on measurement in more ingredients above. And some just like to make these "herbier", and some people less so.
- Resist the urge to keep "taste-testing" your filling, because you need enough to put back into those egg whites.
Quick, Simple, Irresistible Brine/Dill/Garlic Pickles

If you plan to try a little home or community gardening this year, cukes are a perfect place to start.
The usual Israeli kind work great for pickling. Outside of Israel, go for small or "Kirby" cucumbers, none of that big or waxed business. If you particularly like "half-dill" (aka half-done), these can be eaten after ~24 hours, especially if you slice some in half. Then get them into the fridge, if any remain, to slow things down. Full-done takes maybe 2 days before those too should hit the fridge.
This recipe is for a glass 1.5 liter container. That holds about eight or so typical small Israeli-typed cucumbers, maybe a few more if you cut some in pieces, really eyeball your space and shove things in tight.
For the brine, boil some water. Measure out 1 1/2 cups and stir in 2 tablespoons coarse kosher salt (not table salt) until completely dissolved. Let cool.
You also need 1/3 to 1/2 of a bulb of garlic, and about "half a fist's worth" of fresh dill sprigs. The typical bundle of dill in an Israeli shop is enough to just get a mother's fist around, you see. Yes, most recipes call for less of these two items, but these pickles hold higher status than chocolate in this house, so we can only say experiment and judge for yourself.
Wash the dill. Slice each garlic clove into 3-4 slices lengthwise. Divide your dill and your garlic into thirds. 1/3 goes on the bottom (just fold or curl the dill sprigs), then add half of the pickles packed tight, then another third of garlic and dill, then the rest of the pickles, then the last of the garlic and dill tucked in around the top. Fill with the brine water. Place jar in a sunny window. Expect to feel like the car-ride scenario for the next 24 hours or so- constantly hearing "are they ready yet?" and "can I test one yet?"
(We never get this far in our impatient family, but if you are making a few jars that will hang around a while, you can throw in a teaspoon of black pepper corns if you like. And of course you can get fancy-shmancy and add other things, like coriander, mustard seed, celery seed or leaves, cloves, herb-y things, hot chili…).
Back to top ⤴Unforgettable Tomato-Lemon-Sherry Vegetable Stew

The sauce is the thing here, yet it's a very simple combination. It's also a great marinating sauce for whatever catches your fancy; we just find it works especially well with this particular combination of vegetables. You then throw this on top of a portion of the Lemon Rice which follows.
This is best if the sauce has had time to "sit" for at least an hour, and even better if those vegetables were marinating in it during this time. The sauce just generally gets even better with time (like the next day leftover version). However, if you are stuck with throwing this all together at the last minute, it's still worthwhile.
*** You cannot substitute sherry with a different wine in this dish- that unfortunately won't provide the intended taste of the sauce.
The amount of sauce below is suitable for up to about 2 lbs./4kg. or so of vegetables altogether. To be honest, we usually just double the amounts in the recipe provided here.
Simply simmer all of the ingredients below, loosely covered, on medium-low heat for about 20-30 minutes, being sure to gently stir occasionally. Then serve over Lemon Rice (that recipe follows below). If you intend to make this dish without the rice, then add some chopped and sautéed onion, celery and mushrooms to top each serving .
Sliced zucchini, artichoke hearts, lightly pre-steamed broccoli, black olives
(any type is fine, although milder-tasting olives may be better).
- 1 can of any plain ol' tomato soup
* if you live in Israel and have to use a powdered version instead, just make it more concentrated to be like the condensed version in the can. We've also substituted with boiled down V-8 juice and it's great. - 2 tablespoons lemon juice
- 4 tablespoons sherry (cooking sherry is fine)
- 1 whole bay leaf
- 2 teaspoons lemon-pepper
- 1 teaspoon oregano
- 1/2 teaspoon powdered garlic
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
Papa Lee's Lemon Rice

This works with either instant rice or the regular cooking kind, in which case we encourage you to go with Persian, like commonly used here in Israel, since it tends to come out less sticky. The recipe also works with brown and long grain versions of rice, but you have to adjust your water amounts somewhat.
- Rice:
The amount of rice and added water you use should be enough to produce about 3 1/2 cups of cooked rice. So for example, you would need 1 3/4 cups of instant uncooked rice, or 1 1/6 cups of Persian rice. - 1 small can mushrooms + its liquid, or 1/2 of a regular sized (8 oz.) can's contents
or all of it if you are very, very mushroom-smitten. - 1 small minced onion
- 1 cup thin-sliced celery
- 2 teaspoons grated fresh lemon peel
- 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
- 1/4 teaspoon thyme
- 1/8 teaspoon pepper
- 2 tablespoons butter for sauté of vegetables (or olive oil, or a combo of oil & butter if preferred)
- Additional oil - preferably olive oil - as required in the instructions of whatever rice you are using.
- 4 tablespoons lemon juice
- Water (see below)
- A large measuring cup
Pour the lemon juice into the measuring cup, then add the fluid that the mushrooms came in. Now add enough water to make up the shortfall in needed fluid for cooking your rice.
Sauté the vegetables.
Start preparing your rice. When you add the liquid, then also add the seasonings and sautéed vegetables and mix in. Cover tightly and prepare the rice as the package instructions tell you.
Serve topped withthe "Unforgettable Tomato-Lemon-Sherry Vegetable Stew" above. The two recipes here were created together, where the sauce would complement this lemon rice in particular. (Although we have been known to have plenty of fun just noshing on any leftover rice or throwing it into some salad…).
Back to top ⤴Sticky Shitake Mushrooms, Broccoli & Bamboo Shoots

We are especially partial to using shitake mushrooms for this recipe (either fresh or dried, although we prefer dried- so then leave time to reconstitute them ahead of time). But you could go with whatever are your favorite seasonal mushrooms. Add broccoli. Bamboo shoots are also really suited in this (preferably the canned kind that you slice yourself, not those little no-taste perfect rectangle versions).
You need a total of 3-4lbs/6-8+ kg. of "vegetable stuff". There is some variability in this recipe, so the first time you mix up this sauce, try the lower suggested amounts and then add more by taste if needed. The sauce is good for all sorts of things, especially for rice or noodles, other veggies, etc. but really- the mushrooms are great for this.
- 3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- 1/2 to 1 teaspoon Chinese sesame oil, by taste- we prefer a whole teaspoon
- 1/2 cup soy sauce
- ~1/4 cup water
- 1/4 (up to 1/2) cup sugar, by taste- we prefer closer to 1/4, and using brown sugar for this recipe
- 1 tablespoon fresh ginger, grated or finely minced
- 2 to 3 minced garlic cloves, by taste- we prefer 3
- 1 teaspoon grated fresh lemon peel
- 2+ tablespoons grated fresh orange peel (aka- just go grate the whole peel off of a sizable orange)
- Small handful of fresh snow peas- simply add in with your other vegetables above (we love these- in almost everything, including raw in salads- whenever we can get them).
- 1/3 cup crushed walnuts- add them while cooking.
- 1/2 cup frozen peas which you will not be cooking
- 1/3 cup finely sliced scallions, which you also will not be cooking.
- Slice up the vegetables (not necessary for snowpeas). Bamboo shoots especially should be sliced fairly thin; shitake mushrooms at about a 1/2 cm / 1/4" thickness. Mix together sauce ingredients. If you've time, better to let the mushroom slices marinade in your sauce somewhat before you start to cook, like for half an hour or so.
- A Teflon skillet is really preferable. Using medium heat, carefully bring mixture to a boil and then reduce to low. Cover and simmer for 10 to 15 minutes, with occasional stirring. If you like the optional walnuts, this is a good time to add them in.
- Remove the vegetables temporarily from the pan. Increase heat to medium and while stirring continually, carefully cook the marinade until it thickens to a syrup. This may take about 5-10 minutes. Then shut the fire. Put your goodies back into the pan and fold them in the sauce to coat them.
- After this add the peas, if you go with that option. The heat of the completed food and still warm skillet is more than sufficient- this is not a dish for really cooked peas per se (let alone mushy!), just slightly steamed up ones- which is a very nice taste, and that takes practically no time at all. Garnish on top with the scallions.
This serves well over brown or Persian rice, thin rice noodles, spinach fidellini… The nice part with noodles and pasta is that they can be prepared ahead and sit in a container in the fridge. Just take them out to cozy up to room temperature and then throw the hot food on top.
Back to top ⤴"Just-Trust-Me-On-This" Cake (Shsh… Zucchini Bread)

The oddest thing almost always happens when an Israeli hears "zucchini bread" before tasting- they seem shocked and often apprehensive. But if they don't know what it is before eating it, they invariably gobble it up, and then ask what it was since they can't put their finger on the exact flavor at all. (This is how many might have thought about carrot cake way back when). What is more interesting is that Israelis are really big zucchini consumers in the typical local diet- except in the bakery department apparently.
- 2 cups grated, unpeeled zucchini (packed in tight)
- 1 cup cannola oil
- 3 eggs
- 2 (or so) cups light brown sugar- e.g. you can add another half cup if you prefer sweeter
- 1/2 cup chopped walnuts
- 3 teaspoons vanilla extract
- 3 cups flour- either whole wheat or white works fine
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 3 teaspoons cinnamon
- 1 teaspoon or so of finely grated fresh lemon peel
- 1/2 cup dried cranberries.
- Preheat oven to 160 C./ 325 F.
- Beat eggs well. Then add in sugar.
- Mix in your zucchini, oil and vanilla.
- Mix dry ingredients in separate bowl. Then add to your wet mixture slowly, mixing (by hand) as you go. Grease and flour a loaf pan (or alternatively consider making these in muffin tins, with baking papers). Fill 3/4 of the way. The loaf will take about 50-60 minutes, ready when golden brown and a toothpick comes out clean.
Don't Throw That Peel - Make Candy!

- 2 large oranges
- Water
- 2 cups sugar
- Another 1 1/2 cups sugar
- Sharp knife
- Waxed paper
- Score the peel of each orange in quarters. Remove the peel s carefully to keep them intact.
- Place in a pot with 6 cups of water, bring to a boil, and then simmer for 30 minutes.
- Drain out the water, and repeat step #2.
- Carefully scrape out any white left inside of each peel with a spoon.
- Cutting lengthwise, create 1/2 cm. / 1/4"-wide strips of peel.
- Take 2 cups of sugar + 1 cup of water and heat to boiling. Stir until all the sugar dissolves. Add peel strips and simmer for about 45 minutes. Check and stir occasionally.
- Drain peels well. Then roll them in the remaining 1 1/2 cups of sugar, and put on the waxed paper to dry.
- ***Alternatively, you can dip the peels in a pan with some melted chocolate bar – dark chocolate works best; white chocolate is also nice.
Etrog Marmalade

When Sukkot is over, why not use your etrog this way? Try to get a few leftover etrogim from others too.
- Slice up each etrog. De-seed. Soak in water for at least 8 hours or so.
- Remove from water. Finely chop up the whole thing (or alternatively, use a food processor on the chop setting).
- Place in pot, with enough water to cover. Boil for half an hour (keep checking if you need to add a bit of water).
- Measure your mixture. Add an equal amount of sugar.
- Assuming 1-3 etrogs are being used, throw in 1/3-1/2 cup of crushed pineapple, including the liquid. Canned or peaches (chopped up) will also do the trick. Add a clove and whatever else strikes your fancy. Boil the whole mix down to marmalade consistency.
The Simple "Dessert To The Dessert" Kid Tip

Not a recipe but a little tip or two, in the fruit and health harvest spirit:
1. Play With Your Food
It may sound odd, but we encourage it. Especially when dealing with some motor and other challenges. Even behavioral ones, since you are providing more acceptable outlets. Simple and quick things, like giving the kids slices of stuff for their fruit salad but first they must use a kebab stick to poke each piece on, or make a face or other picture or pattern on their plate. Tell them uh…"sternly" [not] that they can't nosh on a piece until done (or a particular fruit in the mix that they are less excited by), and watch this rule fall gigglingly apart every two seconds. It's great for the kid who wouldn't even look twice at those apple slices, etc. otherwise.
2. "Dessert to The Dessert": Kids are surrounded, of course, by too much junk.
In our home, we always encouraged a nice-sized helping of fresh fruit salad as frequent desert. First off, maybe we'd jazz up it up occasionally with a teaspoon's worth of chocolate chips sprinkled on top (this is maybe around 15 mini chips total?). Unbelievably, such tiny additions like this really did cut down on too frequent requests elsewhere in the day for "buy me a candy bar" and other junk, runaway cravings and instant gratification habits. Since fairly young, they knew they could already count on a "little something later" at the end of their meal. And instead of saying in effect that "fruit instead" means "no cookie", we'd offer one cookie as "dessert to the dessert", or two of those little mini kinds, plus sometimes a few nuts. The child would be so full of fruit salad plus a good meal before, he would start to think this order of things is all very cool and proper - and that becomes a good habit. He knows that cookie is part of the usual meal ritual, and then doesn't feel an overwhelming need to head for the cookies instead of yogurt and some healthier cereal for an afternoon snack- e.g. everything in its time, place, and sensible amount : ) .