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Numbers 15:37-41 “And the Eternal One said to Moses: speak to the Israelites—tell them to make themselves ציצית zzizzit (fringes) upon the corners of their clothes throughout their generations. Have them place upon the corner a twine of royal blue. These are your ציצית. Look upon them and remember all the things that I, the Eternal One, have asked of you. And do them, so you won’t go off after the lusts of your heart or after what catches your eye, so that you remember to do all my מצוות mizzvot (commandments) and be holy for your God. I am your Eternal God, who brought you out of Egypt to be your God. I am your Eternal God.”

God’s love was manifested to us by the giving of the Torah; we, in turn, show our love for God by observing its commandments.
The rabbis found a total of 613 מצוות mizzvot (commandments) in the five books of the Torah. Observant Jews try to keep as many of them as they can every single day of their lives.

The above paragraph tells us that by looking at the ציצית zzizzit (fringes) we will remember the מצוות. The rabbis were determined to discover a connection between looking at the ציצית and remembering the מצוות. Here is their rather ingenious explanation:
Every Hebrew letter has a numerical equivalent. א is one; ב is two; ג is three, etc. The numerical equivalent of י is ten; of צ is ninety; and of ת is four hundred. Thus the word ציצית has a total numerical value of 90+10+90+10+400=600. Add to this sub-total the eight strands and five knots that are found in each of the corner fringes, and what is your grand total? 613, i.e., the total number of commandments in the Torah!

While the above paragraph is recited, the worshiper gathers the ציצית in the corner his hand, and every time he comes to the word ציצית, he kisses them as a sign of respect.

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