Each of our lessons includes: 3 audio learning sessions, a quiz, and plenty of interactive learning games and reading tutorials.
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Hebrew Lesson Number 3:
What Do You Do?
Do you work? Or maybe study? Maybe both? What is your field? In this lesson, we’ll be learning the Hebrew words to answer all these questions!
Welcome to Learn Hebrew Pod
Third Lesson!
Hello and welcome to our third special subscribers’ Audio/Visual Hebrew learning sessions.
!שלום וברוכים הבאים
During this lesson and throughout our future programs, we will be exploring and deepening our knowledge of the Hebrew language and the uniqueness of its grammar.
We will provide you with some additional useful and necessary vocabulary, as well as fun exercises.
ליאת וערן - המורים שלנו לעברית בדרגת המתחילים
Liat & Eran - Our Beginner Level Hebrew Teacher
Both the extra vocabulary and mainly the special attention we are going to put into the grammar aspect of this audio/visual sessions are dedicated and designed for the purpose of enriching our reading and speaking Hebrew skills.
Our anticipated goal, which we estimate, will be no less than having the ability to conduct a useful & simple Hebrew conversation in three to four months of practice and a much more complex one in less than a year of studies.
Learn Hebrew Pod - Lesson No. 3
Introduction to Lesson 3:
What Do You Do?
Wow . . . Liat and Eran sure are busy these days! Eran studies medicine by day and works in a coffee shop at night. Liat studies acting and also works in a restaurant. And even in the midst of all of that, they have somehow found time to help us learn Hebrew!
And Lesson 3 is certainly full of interesting things to learn.
Did you know, for example, that most Hebrew words are based on 3-letter roots?
And that these 3 Hebrew letters are primarily responsible for the meaning of the Hebrew word based on them?
In this lesson, we will begin to explore the beauty and flexibility of this system as we take our first look at the patterns used to mold these Hebrew roots into their final forms and meanings. Finally, we’ll study a little bit of Shakespeare.
Shakespeare? In a Hebrew course? That’s right . . . Shakespeare: “To be, or not to be, that is the question.”
Could it be that when he wrote these famous lines, William was actually a student of Hebrew? Well . . . probably not. But by the end of Learn Hebrew Pod Lesson Number 3, you’ll know the answer to Shakespeare’s timeless question--at least as far as Hebrew grammar goes!
Some Hebrew Grammar from This Lesson:
Hebrew Subject Pronouns
and the ‘To Be’ Verb
Jonathan: Okay. So…when you are both saying in Hebrew - “shmi” in English that is translated as “my name”.
In Hebrew - “shmi Eran” meaning “my name is Eran”.
שמי ערן
In Hebrew - “shmi Liat” meaning “my name is Liat”.
שמי ליאת
Literally translated it sounds as if one word is missing ...there's an ‘extra’ word in English, that I’m ‘missing’ in Hebrew….
Eran: You are probably referring to the word “is”…
Liat: This is another very important feature of the Hebrew language. While in English we can hardly survive without using the “to be” verb, “I am”, “you are”, “he is” etc. …Listen carefully, In Modern Hebrew there is NO “to be” verb!
Eran: Exactly, so in Hebrew, when saying “shmi Eran” it is the same as saying “my name is Eran”
Liat: And in Hebrew, when I am saying “shmi Liat” I’m saying “my name is Liat”
Eran: In Hebrew, when I’m saying “ani stu-dent”, “student” meaning “a male student”, the translation of the sentence will be “I am a student” – “ani student”
אני סטודנט
Liat: In Hebrew, and when I’m saying “ani stu-den-tit”…“studentit” meaning “a female student,” the translation of the sentence will be “I am a student” – “ani studentit”.
אני סטודנטית
When we translate it to English, we will of course use the “to be” verb and we will say, “I am” “my name is”
Jonathan: so, the Hebrew pronoun “ani” can actually translate into English as “I am” or if it is a sentence that does not require the “to be” verb in English then the Hebrew pronoun “ani” will be translated just as the English pronoun - “I”.
Eran: right again. Therefore…
*Read the full grammar discussion by using the Learn Hebrew Pod unique Audio/Visual Hebrew learning sessions - Lessons A, B and C at the top of this page.