Running to the bank, the post office, the supermarket... Whether you do your errands in English or in Hebrew, they are the stuff of daily life. Let’s see how quickly we can get them all done! (In Hebrew kamuvan)
Chanuka is the Holiday of Lights. Let's join Eran Liat and Jonathan as they cook sufganyot and levivot while singing beautiful Holiday songs in Hebrew.
Sukkoth Is one of Liat and Eran's favorite holidays. It includes enjoyable customs such as the Four Species, as well as just hanging out in the Sukkah, watching the stars through the Schach. BTW…what is a Schach?
As the beginning of a New Year is the perfect time to look ahead, it is also a great time to master the future tense in Hebrew. Let's do that while enjoying the holiday with Liat's family and Eran's new girlfriend, Ronit!
While Jonathan & Eran are waiting eagerly for the weekend, Liat decided to take a day off from work and spend it on the beach. Whom did she meet? What did she do? Was it fun? Join us to find out!
Yom Ha-Azzmaut is the birthday of Israel, yom ha-huledet shel medinat Israel. In this online Hebrew lesson we will learn how to say how old Israel is, what year she was born, and the Hebrew word for a flag.
It is the Spring time! The Holiday of Passover is just about to arrive. In this Hebrew podcast, Liat and Eran share with us how much they like this holiday and where and with whom they will spend the Seder Night this year.
Finally it is Purim! Learn Hebrew Pod invites you to join Eran and Liat, as they plan which party to go to, what costumes to wear, and how very exciting…which of them is going to win the Great Purim Contest!!