Shalom uvruchim haba-im to the Twelfth Learn Hebrew Pod Newsletter.

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Your friends at Learn Hebrew Pod

Lesson Number 43





It is going to be a busy day... a million errands to do all over town.  But it sure will feel

great when we get them all done!

So... grab your cell phone, your wallet, and your car keys.  Yalla... let’s get going!

NEW on the Site! Hebrew Letters With Vowels (Nikud!)

Now you can also see Hebrew letters while you play and learn with
Verb & Pronoun Games.

Try a free sample

First, let's go to the ATM to
withdraw some cash.

                          kaspomat - ATM



Then a quick trip to pick up the
dry cleaning


nikuy yavesh - dry cleaning


Then to the library to return some books



sifriya - library


And finally to the supermarket to buy groceries for dinner


supermarket - supermarket

Maybe tomorrow...

we can go to the spa!!


spa - spa

Learn how to pronounce these words and much more Errands - related vocabulary on our 'Expand Your Vocabulary' Presentations.

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What's New on Learn Hebrew Pod

Lesson 43: Running Errands
Running to the bank, the post office, the supermarket...Whether you do you errands in English or in Hebrew, they are the stuff of daily life. Let's see how quickly we can get them all done!
(in Hebrew kamuvan)
Listen to lesson 43 on our website

Lesson 42: Becoming a Handyman
Now that Eran has gotten settled in his new apartment, it's time to make a few improvements. In this Hebrew lesson we will find out if he can become a 'do-it-yourself'er. Maybe we can too!.
Listen to lesson 42 on our website                                                                      

The Matching Game
Click here to play the game

Vocabulary Game - Places
Click here to play the game 



Quiz #43
Click here to play the game



Practice Reading - Running Errands
Click here to play the game



Practice Reading - Lesson 43's
new vocabulary
Click here to play the game