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Hebrew Lesson Number 7:
Fruits and Vegetables
Israel is a true haven for fruit and vegetable lovers. Learn all the words in Hebrew for the ones that you like best. Warning: this Hebrew podcast lesson may cause extreme hunger!
Shalom Uvruchim Ha-ba-im
Hello and Welcome
Welcome to lesson seven of the first conversational Hebrew course by podcasts. My name is Jonathan. As in the previous podcasts, I will be your host for today’s lesson. I am looking forward to sharing my knowledge and techniques with you.
As always, I would like to mention that aside from the use of the Audio/Visual lessons, we have other interactive & beneficial techniques provided on our website.
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If you are interested in developing and improving your Hebrew reading skills, we also provide you with a special section for that.
All of these are available to you on the Learn Hebrew Pod website, which you can use on your computer, smartphone and tablet.
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Learn Hebrew Pod - Lesson No. 7
Introduction to Lesson 7:
Fruits and Vegetables
דוכן ירקות
Just take a walk through the shuk (the outdoor market) in any city in Israel, and you will see some of the most beautiful produce in the world: fruits and vegetables of all shapes, sizes, and colors!
There are juicy red rimonim (pomegranates), deep purple chazzilim (eggplants) . . . and even a delicious cross between a grapefruit and a pomelo--called a pomelit. Mmmmm . . .
In Lesson 7A, we will learn the Hebrew names for many fruits and vegetables--perot ve-yerakot. We’ll also get to see some of the knowledge we acquired in Lesson 6B (about verbs in the pa-al building block) put into action.
קופסא עם ירקות ופירות
Then in Lesson 7B, we’ll learn that, in Hebrew, even fruits and vegetables have a gender!
Of course, this has nothing to do with whether men or women enjoy eating them more. In fact, gender pertinence in Hebrew does not imply anything about the nature of the word. But it does apply to every word--not just to nouns, but also to the adjectives and numbers that are connected to them.
So what will you enjoy for lunch? A tapuach ta-im or a tapuach te-ima? And what about that tomato? agvanya adom or aduma?
?אדום או אדומה
Learn the pattern, and you’ll be able to apply it to fruits, vegetables, animals, people, and more!
Are you hungry yet? Grab a tapuach, turn on the audio/visual lessons, and enjoy some delicious perot ve-yerakot with Liat, Eran, and Jonathan . . . Bon appetit!! (Hmmm . . . is there a way to say that in Hebrew?)
?אדום או אדומה
Some Hebrew Grammar from This Lesson:
Gender Pertinence
Jonathan: The rule that we just learned applies naturally when we are talking about people & animals BUT the Hebrew language takes it one step further.
As we said before every word in Hebrew has Gender pertinence.
This is of course a common practice in Hebrew, and by the way, in many other languages such as Italian for example, and does not imply anything about the nature of the word.
It does though create some very important implications with the use of other words connected to the noun, such as adjectives and numbers. We will discuss this further in a future Hebrew lessons.
For now, let us just have a few examples. First, by using some words that actually sound quite the same in Hebrew and in English, as they are related to Jewish tradition:
Chala – Cha-la
Torah – To-ra
Mizzvah – Mitz-va
Sukkah – Su-kka
Jonathan: In Hebrew, All of these are in a feminine form. The reason we need to acknowledge this, is for when we are using these words with an adjective such as when saying:
Holy Torah - Tora kdosha
A holy book – sefer kadosh
As you could hear, because Tora, is in a feminine form, which we can tell because it ends with an “A” , When saying holy Tora, the adjective to describe it should use the same form and will also end with “A”: Tora kdosha.
But when describing a book as holy, the adjective which follows the noun, will be in the masculine form, as Holy book – sefer kadosh.
ספר קדוש
We all remember the greeting yom yafe – have a wonderful day.
yom is in a masculine form so we say yafe, yom yafe.
Sukka is in a feminine form, so when saying a nice sukka it will be sukka yafa.
That’s it!
The only thing we need to remember for now, is that when we hear or read a Hebrew word ending with an “A” sound, the greater the chances are that this word, no matter if it’s a person, animal or an object, is in the feminine form and will be treated as such throughout the rest of the sentence.
Now, let’s learn a new word…
In Hebrew, the word ta-im is tasty. But it only works for the masculine form. For the feminine form we need to say, te-i-ma and end it with an “A” sound! Te-i-ma.
Let’s go back to our “perot ve-yerakot”- fruits and vegetables, and have a little quiz while describing them as tasty…
*Read the full grammar discussion by using the Learn Hebrew Pod unique Audio/Visual Hebrew learning sessions - Lessons A, B and C at the top of this page.